Magnetic Measurements was formed in 1986 and specializes in the manufacture and sales of state of the art palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic equipment. The first product was an advanced automated Thermal Demagnetizer capable of automatically heating and cooling palaeomagnetic samples.
As the company has expanded the product range has increased and now includes 3 NEW high precision 80 and 24 sample Thermal Demagnetizers, Shielded Rooms, Controlled magnetic Fields for Biomagnetic Research, 9 Tesla Pulse Magnetizer, Spinner Magnetometer, AVFTB (Advanced Variable Field Translation Balance), and mu-metal sample storage boxes.

Major items of instrumentation can be manufactured to meet customers individual requirements at little or no extra cost.
We offer a reconditioning and upgrade service for our Thermal Demagnetizers, email for details.
We Repair and recondition Molspin Minispin Magnetometers, email for details.